Wednesday, August 25, 2010

saturday is coming to fast!

I want to say "I am sorry" for anyone that  I gave my e-mail was the wrong one! I went to sign in the other night and I don't know what I was thinking but it wasn't even close. I check "" all day, so if anyone needs me or needs someone to talk to, that is the correct e-mail. I feel horrible that I was giving out the wrong e-mail. I am also on twitter "martinimama412" Okay, now I sound like an advertisement! haha.

Saturday night is coming fast. I am excited about getting fit for my mask, but I am also not excited about spending the night with the creeper watching me sleep again. It is the same doctor that is going to be there. I feel so bad that I call him the creeper but that is what it feels like. I just get a weird feeling about him. Once again I wanted to go in at the latest time since I never go to sleep late so again I will be the last one he is waking up in the morning. I hate being there alone with him. haha. I sound so mean, I know, because he is nice. I just am weird about things like that, I think I watch too many movies.

After I get that done, it will be a week til my 5th weigh in and then the seminar I have to go to...then 2 weeks until I should get a date for my surgery. They should submit everything to my insurance the first week of Oct. I am so nervous. That is all I keep thinking about. I just want to get approved. I think once I hear those words I will settle down some. Of course I am going to then be nervous for the actual surgery but then I can start planning.

I am thinking about making meals and freezing them for my hubby and son. Especially meals for lunches for my son. The last thing I am going to want to do is prepare food during my 2 weeks of liquids. That will be like freaking torture for me. Popping something in the microwave will be so much easier, but I don't want to just buy things, I want to make sure it is something I make so I can make sure it is still good for him. I don't want my old eating habits to come back when feeding my child...the last thing I want for this boy is him to have the weight issues I had when growing up. That is one of my fears about him...I don't want him to have to struggle with his weight, and I will do everything in my power for him to grow up at a healthy weight.


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